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Zanji's Knight/Paladin/Dragoon Skill Handbook

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Judge Dragoon
Judge Dragoon

Zanji's Knight/Paladin/Dragoon Skill Handbook

.:Table of Contents:.
1.0.0 - Introduction

2.0.0 - Knight Skills
2.1.0 -- Skill Path 1

2.1.1 --- Aerial Smackdown
2.1.2 --- Shoulder Tackle
2.1.3 --- Spear Jab
2.1.4 --- Pressure
2.1.5 --- Spin it Bear!

2.2.0 -- Skill Path 2
2.2.1 --- Shield Mastery
2.2.2 --- Parry
2.2.3 --- Increased Defence
2.2.4 --- Giant Growth
2.2.5 --- Body Activation

2.3.0 -- Skill Path 3
2.3.1 --- Aerial Blow
2.3.2 --- Impervion
2.3.3 --- Revenge

3.0.0 - Paladin Skills
3.1.0 -- Active/Passive Tree

3.1.1 --- Armour Mastery
3.1.2a --- Armour Break
3.1.3a --- Joint Break
3.1.4a --- Weapon Suspension
3.1.5 --- Over Head Strike
3.1.6 --- Cross Cut
3.1.2b --- Iron Skin
3.1.3b --- Barricade
3.1.4b --- Cockroach Life

3.2.0 -- Aura Tree
3.2.1 --- Aura Initiation
3.2.2a --- Recovery Aura
3.2.3a --- Defensive Aura
3.2.2b --- Time Reverse
3.2.3b --- Offensive Aura
3.2.4 --- Sacred Protection

4.0.0 - Dragoon Skills
4.1.0 -- Non-Awakening Skills

4.1.1a --- Rolling Ground
4.1.1b --- Dragon Skin

4.2.0 -- Awakening Skills
4.2.1 --- Awakening
4.2.2a --- Ascending Dragon
4.2.3a --- Dragon Dive
4.2.2b --- Dragon Rush
4.2.4c --- Charge the Awakening

5.0.0 - Notes
5.1.0 -- Jump Canceling
5.2.0 -- Max Defense

1.0.0 : Introduction
So, I've noticed that many more people have started to begin making their very own Knight for their own reasons. As a veteran Knight, I remember the old days when leveling was impossible because of our dirt poor DPS, and nobody liked how OP we were in PvP. As it turns out now, post-PSB patch, the former has become extinct as new Warrior weapons received an incredible boost to their attack stats, as well as some skills, resulting in Knights dominating the PvE field as well. People have been asking around what skills are important and essential to get. Veteran Knights may not always be around to answer your questions in-game, so that's when you pop in here, and take a quick peek. This guide is aimed to help you make your choices better, whether it be for PvE or PvP.
**This guide does not cover beyond Lv. 5 skills, meaning if you're looking for info on what Lv. 10 skills can give, look elsewhere.**

This will follow a basic format:

Skill name (Active/Passive/Buff)
Level: x, Upgradable at levels: a/b/c/d
Skill points per level:
Recommended level to get:

Since this is a Knight onwards guide, I will briefly cover the Warrior skill tree:

Storm Blade -- Lv.1-5, 5 if you like more damage and hitting more targets
Cutdown -- Lv.1 (for Storm Blade, and Aerial Smackdown replaces it)
Hammer Crush -- Lv.0 or 5, if you get this, I recommend max it out for full damage and stun chance in F7s
Sword Dance -- Lv.1, at Lv.5 there is a slight range increase, and it hits two more mobs, so it might be worthwhile if you use this often
Blazing Youth/Icecold Heart -- Lv.0, if you have these after you're level 20, uninstall the game
Knight’s Power -- Lv.0 or 1, new buff that adds 10% base physical defense, get it for fun, or don’t; it only costs 5 skill points

2.0.0 : Knight Skills
There are many useful skills here that you will carry into your Paladin and Dragoon days.

2.1.0 : Skill Path 1

2.1.1 : Aerial Smackdown (Active)
Level: 20, Upgradable at levels: 22/24/26/28
Prerequisites: None
Skill points per level: 20
Overview: This is one of the first skills you can get as a Knight. It's basically a Cutdown that moves slightly ahead when executed. The major reason why it is superior to Cutdown is because of the lack of delay time after impacting the ground, easily leading to a Storm Blade without the target having time to air tech. Post-PSB has added the feature of allowing targets to get hit if they jump in the air, and come in contact with you while executing this move. Can be executed by assigning it to a hotkey, or pressing the attack key (Default: X) after you have performed a dash in the air.
Recommended level to get: 1

2.1.2 : Shoulder Tackle (Active)
Level: 20, Upgradable at levels: 23/26/29/32
Prerequisites: Aerial Smackdown - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: This is one of the aggressive moves you can get. It allows you to close the gap between opponents without losing much momentum for attacking. At Lv.3, knocked down targets can be launched at maximum height.
Recommended level to get: 3

2.1.3 : Spear Jab (Active)
Level: 22, Upgradable at levels: 25/28/31/34
Prerequisites: Shoulder Tackle - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 20
Overview: This is part of the main arsenal for the infinite lock, as well as a major source of DPS.
Recommended level to get: 5

2.1.4 : Pressure (Active)
Level: 27, Upgradable at levels: 30/33/36/39
Prerequisites: Spear Jab - Lv.2
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: This is basically another launch/relaunch. For PvE focus, it's another good tool to have. For PvP, leave this at the minimum.
Recommended level to get: 1 (PvP), 3-5 (PvE)

2.1.5 : Spin it Bear! (Active)
Level: 32, Upgradable at levels: 34/36/38/40
Prerequisites: Pressure - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: Whether for PvP, or PvE, this is a great addition to the Knight skill tree. It adds excellent DPS for PvE, and is a great catching tool for PvP. Spin it Bear! hits targets standing near, or are above it. However, it cannot hit knocked down targets, even at level 5.
Recommended level to get: 5


2.2.0 : Skill Path 2

2.2.1 : Shield Mastery (Passive)
Level: 20, Upgradable at levels: 23/26/29/32
Prerequisites: None
Skill points per level: 20
Overview: This is part of the block system that Knights are infamous for. As well as granting a block percentage, it slightly increases defense. A block will negate all damage done to you. For many skills, status ailments are inflicted upon damage; as a result, this will protect you from many of them as well.
Recommended level to get: 5

2.2.2 : Parry (Buff)
Level: 22, Upgradable at levels: 25/28/31/34
Prerequisites: Shield Mastery - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: This is essentially an additional Shield Mastery. With both maxed out at level 5, this can grant you a 32% block rate, almost a 1/3 chance to negate an attack. The cooldown is as long as the duration, meaning you can throw it up as soon as the effect wears off.
Recommended level to get: 5

2.2.3 : Increased Defence (Buff)
Level: 24, Upgradable at levels: 27/30/33/36
Prerequisites: Parry - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 10
Overview: A nice buff, but it does not have a very strong effect for its heavy mp cost. At level 5, it grants a +180 to defense. If you have the skill points, it's a good skill to try and max out later.
Recommended level to get: 0 or 1 (if you want Body Activation)

2.2.4 : Giant Growth (Buff)
Level: 26, Upgradable at levels: 29/32/35/38
Prerequisites: Increased Defence - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 10
Overview: This buff is worthless. It adds to 2.1k to max HP at level 5, but it does not restore that amount. In PvP, the bonus is hardly noticeable.
Recommended level to get: 0 or 1 (if you want Body Activation)

2.2.5 : Body Activation (Passive)
Level: 27, Upgradable at levels: 30/33/36/39
Prerequisites: Giant Growth - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 20
Overview: This is a much more worthwhile health buff to get, if desired. It's passive, meaning its effect is permanent once acquired. In PvP, the effect works a little differently, but it does not add the % based off of the PvP HP value (which is what many people think to get this for).
Recommended level to get: 0 or 5


2.3.0 : Skill Path 3

2.3.1 : Aerial Blow (Active)
Level: 20, Upgradable at levels: None
Prerequisites: None
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: Pretty worthless skill, can be used in the air to replace one of the three hits in the air combo by pressing the attack key (Default: X) and left, or right, while in the air.
Recommended level to get: 0

2.3.2 : Impervion (Buff)
Level: 21, Upgradable at levels: 24/27/30/33
Prerequisites: None
Skill points per level: 20
Overview: This used to be the defining Knight skill that made everyone cringe in fear of them. Since the Continent of Ice patch, instead of always having impervion status, you activate a buff that allows a chance to negate knockdowns. This has severely crippled its potential to the point where it is not a viable PvP skill because of its inconsistency. As the skill increases, the chance for knockdown negation is increased. However, as the skill level increases, duration increases, but the cooldown increases by double the duration's increase rate! This means that maxing this skill out will result in a 18 second cooldown without Impervion versus waiting for a 10 second cooldown without Impervion at the level 1 version of this skill.
Recommended level to get: 1

2.3.3 : Revenge (Buff)
Level: 23, Upgradable at levels: 26/29/32/35
Prerequisites: Impervion - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 20
Overview: The first Toggle skill you can get. This is the defining skill for a Knight. Revenge can reflect most attacks back at the opponent, exceptions include: archer/mage normal x attack, traps, and assassin daggers. At level 5, you can reflect 70% of the damage. This is purely a PvP skill. This is also highly frowned upon in friendly PvP matches. If you like to have no friends, use Revenge in every battle. You really don't need it if you know what you're doing. Nevertheless, this is still a tool to output extra damage.
Recommended level to get: 0 or 5

3.0.0 : Paladin Skills
Here is where you will learn many devastating status-inflicting attacks, as well as your most powerful move: Cross Cut. And your most helpful move: Time Reverse.

3.1.0 : Active/Passive Tree

3.1.1 : Armour Mastery (Passive)
Level: 40, Upgradable at levels: 43/46/49/52
Prerequisites: None
Skill points per level: 20
Overview: This adds a bonus to defense based off of the percentage of your base defense (the value when you have no armour on). Virtually unnoticeable, and unjustified in its skill point cost.
Recommended level to get: 1

3.1.2a : Armour Break (Active)
Level: 41, Upgradable at levels: 44/47/50/53
Prerequisites: Armour Master - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: This is a decent debuff skill that decreases the target's defense for 10 seconds. At level 3, this can hit knocked down targets, and has the added effect of knocking down the target in place (like Sword Dance). This is your 3rd move that can flinch lock. Impressive damage at a low MP cost.
Recommended level to get: 1 or 3+

3.1.3a : Joint Break (Active)
Level: 42, Upgradable at levels: 45/48/51/54
Prerequisites: Armour Break - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 10
Overview: This move is interesting, but not a useful debuff move. Post-PSB it now deals damage, making it much more useful. However, the effect itself is short, only lasting 5 seconds. But, the move's cooldown is 5 seconds as well, allowing you to inflict the status again as soon as it's over.
Recommended level to get: 1

3.1.4a : Weapon Suspension (Active)
Level: 43, Upgradable at levels: 46/49/52/55
Prerequisites: Joint Break - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: This is one of the better debuff moves. Post-PSB it now has slightly increased range and a slower prep time before the attack. Weapon Suspension prevents the use of skills for 5 seconds, as well as dashing. The thing to note is the move's cooldown is 10 seconds, meaning that you cannot rely on this move as a means of safety. Increasing the skill level of Weapon Suspension only increases skill attack power, and number of targets; cooldown and status duration remain the same. Interesting thing to note, when someone is inflicted with Weapon Suspension, they also lose the ability to flinch. Meaning, they have 100% impervion status for 5 seconds.
Recommended level to get: 1

3.1.5 : Over Head Strike (Active)
Level: 44, Upgradable at levels: 47/50/53/56
Prerequisites: Weapon Suspension - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: This debuff move has the exact same animation as Armour Break, except it now focuses on the target's attack/magic attack. It has a duration of 10 seconds as well. The effect is slightly noticeable at level 1. At level 5, its power can cripple the weapon bonuses. Between Armour Break, and Over Head Strike, both are good in their own right. It has an extremely low cooldown as well, making this move possible to lock with by itself and TR, however its large MP cost will cut that short. At level 5, this move can hit knocked down targets, and knock them down in place (like Sword Dance). This is your 4th move that can flinch lock.
Recommended level to get: 2 (for Cross Cut)

3.1.6 : Cross Cut (Active)
Level: 48, Upgradable at levels: 51/54/57/60
Prerequisites: Weapon Crasher - Lv.2
Skill points per level: 20
Overview: This is it. The strongest move you can get as a Paladin. Incredible damage, and great range. It is about one character, above and below you, wide, and slightly shorter than Sword Dance. This is the 5th move you can get that can flinch lock. At level 3, Cross Cut can hit knocked down targets. Now isn't that just broken?
Recommended level to get: 5 (If you don't max this, delete your Paladin)

3.1.2b : Iron Skin (Passive)
Level: 42, Upgradable at levels: 45/48/51/54
Prerequisites: Armour Mastery - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 10
Overview: This is one of the best defense passives available. Iron Skin adds on a determined value of defense instead of taking a percentage of your base defense to increase by. At level 5, Iron Skin can add 430 extra defense. Equivalent to a pretty decent armour piece.
Recommended level to get: 1+ (I recommend maxing this)

3.1.3b : Barricade (Buff)
Level: 43, Upgradable at levels: 46/49/52/55
Prerequisites: Iron Skin - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 20
Overview: This another Toggle skill, meaning you must turn it on when needed, and off when not needed. Post-PSB has increased the cooldown of this move to 30 seconds, and added the effect of getting Cure and Slow Heal upon turning into a cop. The level of Cure and Slow Heal reflects the level of Barricade. So a level 1 Barricade will grant a level 1 Cure and a level 1 Slow Heal. While in this state, you gain Impervion status, but cannot attack, dash, or jump. Movement speed is reduced while in Barricade state, as the skill level goes up, the movement speed debuff decreases. While in Barricade state, you will also reduce damage by an absolute percent. At level 5, you can reduce all incoming damage by 55%.
Recommended level to get: 0 or 1+ (I recommend maxing it for the many benefits and for Cockroach Life)

3.1.4b : Cockroach Life (Buff)
Level: 44, Upgradable at levels: 47/50/53/56
Prerequisites: Barricade - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: An interesting skill that only works when your HP has dropped to a certain percent, it restores HP and grants a defense/magic defense buff for a certain amount of time. At higher levels, the minimum HP percent limit for using the skill increases, its HP restoration percent level increases, and the strength and duration of the defense/magic defense buff increases. The defense buff works like Armour Mastery, adding on to your defenses by calculating the percentage from the respective base defenses. While this is not much at low skill levels, it can be reduce some damage at level 5 (grants 90% buff to defense/magic defense). Cockroach life does not restore a fixed amount of HP. It only restores you to the percent specified. For example, at level 5, the minimum HP percent is 25% and the HP restoration is 40%. If I use Cockroach Life when I am at 25%, I will not get 65% HP. It will only restore me to 40%, meaning I only gained +15% HP. To fully utilize the HP recovery is to skirt around the boundaries of death. I recommend using this move when your HP is around or below 10%.
Recommended level to get: 0 or 5 (if you plan to get, this max it for best HP recovery, and defense buff)


3.2.0 : Aura Tree

3.2.1 : Aura Initiation (Passive)
Level: 40, Upgradable at levels: None
Prerequisites: None
Skill points per level: 5
Overview: This is necessary to get access to Time Reverse. Auras are toggle buffs that can affect party members and PvP allies near you. One thing to note, when an Aura is activated, it takes one second for the user, and nearby players to be affected by the aura. If a player within an aura jumps, they lose the effect. To gain the benefits, you must be on the ground, and near the Paladin in question. Paladins can only have one aura on at a time.
Recommended level to get: 1

3.2.2a : Recovery Aura (Buff)
Level: 41, Upgradable at levels: 44/47/50/53
Prerequisites: None
Skill points per level: 10
Overview: Post-PSB, Recovery Aura has been detached from Aura Initiation, and turned into an AoE buff (like the ones Thieves and Jesters have). This increases HP recovery speed, and the amount. Not very useful since the speed is already incredibly slow.
Recommended level to get: 0

3.2.3a : Defensive Aura (Buff)
Level: 43, Upgradable at levels: 46/49/52/55
Prerequisites: Recovery Aura - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 10
Overview: Defensive Aura has also been turned into an AoE buff. Increases defense by a percent of the base defense. Pretty much worthless
Recommended level to get: 0

3.2.2b : Time Reverse (Buff)
Level: 41, Upgradable at levels: 44/47/50/53
Prerequisites: Aura Initiation - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: This is the best Paladin aura, as it stands. It has remained a toggle skill and unchanged post-PSB. At level 5, this can reduce cooldowns and casting times by 1.8 seconds. This cuts Sword Dance down to 1.2 seconds, and Cross Cut (as well as other useful 5 cooldown skills) down to 3.2 seconds. This makes ground locking cake. Even at level 1, the cooldown reduction is enough.
Recommended level to get: 1+

3.2.3b : Offensive Aura (Buff)
Level: 43, Upgradable at levels: 46/49/52/55
Prerequisites: Time Reverse - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 10
Overview: This has also remained unchanged, meaning it is a Toggle skill as well. Increases attack/magic attack by a small percentage of base attack/magic attack. Useless, especially since you have Time Reverse, you're better off getting the Sword Mastery passive from the Warrior skill tree.
Recommended level to get: 0

3.2.4 : Sacred Protection (Buff)
Level: 45, Upgradable at levels: 48/51/54/57
Prerequisites: Defensive Aura - Lv.1, Offensive Aura - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 15
Overview: Neat aura that actually works correctly. A Paladin will take a portion of the damage for the team, thus reducing damage for the teammates. However, there is still Time Reverse which is a much better support aura. Plus, you have to toss 30 skill points just to get this.
Recommended level to get: 0 (unless you like wasting valuable skill points)

4.0.0 : Dragoon Skills
Upon the introduction of the 4th classes, comes the Awakening system. Dragoons have very aggressive and powerful Awakening skills, as well as a glamorous, and decent, Ultimate attack. Skills here are very costly.

4.1.0 : Non-Awakening Skills

4.1.1a : Rolling Ground (Active)
Level: 60, Upgradable at levels: 62/64/66/68
Prerequisites: None
Skill points per level: 25
Overview: A good non-Awakening move. It is a moving, fast multi-hitting skill that causes flinching on every hit. At higher levels, it deals more damage, hits more targets, and has a cooldown reduction. One thing to note, the number of hits is fixed, meaning if you are frozen while executing this skill, you will hit a target, only the number of times the skill allows, then left defenseless. At level 3, this move can hit knocked down targets. Personally, I rarely find opportunities to use this safely in 1v1 PvP matches. In PvE, I use this skill like crazy; decide for yourself what you want.
Recommended level to get: 0 or 1+

4.1.1b : Dragon Skin (Buff)
Level: 60, Upgradable at levels: 62/64/66/68
Prerequisites: Awakening - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 25
Overview: Basically, a souped up version of Armour Mastery with the added bonus of increasing magic defense. Hardly worth it.
Recommended level to get: 0


4.2.0 : Awakening Skills

4.2.1 : Awakening (Passive)
Level: 60, Upgradable at levels: None
Prerequisites: None
Skill points per level: 1
Overview: This unlocks the Awakening gauge, and allows you to build up Awakening points. Awakening points can be stored by killing enemies. Killing enemies with higher combos earns you more Awakening points. The bar naturally decreases at a very slow rate. Once the gauge hits its limit, it will glow, and show that you have MAX. At MAX, it will also not decrease. Once an Awakening move is used, the gauge goes into “burn-out” mode, where you lose Awakening points a little faster.
Recommended level to get: 1

4.2.2a : Ascending Dragon (Active)
Level: 61, Upgradable at levels: 63/65/67/69
Prerequisites: Awakening - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 25
Overview: A nice-looking move. However, it is very narrow, and hard to use to its fullest potential. It has a slight forward movement when using, so some spacing and placement is required. At level 5, it can hit knocked down targets, making its use much easier and effective. Increasing the skill level increases damage and decreases cooldown.
Recommended level to get: 1+

4.2.3a : Dragon Dive (Active)
Level: 62, Upgradable at levels: 64/66/68/70
Prerequisites: Ascending Dragon - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 25
Overview: A powerful version of Aerial Smackdown. Incredibly easy to use, and stronger than Ascending Dragon. The last attack in the skill slightly launches targets, and even hits knocked down targets at level 1. I personally prefer this. Increasing the skill level increases damage and decreases cooldown.
Recommended level to get: 1+

4.2.2b : Dragon Rush (Active)
Level: 60, Upgradable at levels: None
Prerequisites: Awakening - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 60
Overview: The Dragoon Ultimate is one of the better Ultimates in terms of damage. A full Awakening bar is no longer required to use Ultimates. Because this skill is for PvE only, it may be better to hold off spending 60 skill points on this.
Recommended level to get: 0 or 1

4.2.4c : Charge the Awakening (Active)
Level: 60, Upgradable at levels: 62/64
Prerequisites: Awakening - Lv.1
Skill points per level: 10
Overview: A new toggle skill introduced in the Continent of Ice patch that supplements to the new Awakening system. This move consumes 20% MP per 3 seconds, and will add a percentage of Awakening points to the bar. At level 3, the efficiency of magic to Awakening points is 1:1. This move is necessary for using Awakening moves in Last Man Standing PvP games.
Recommended level to get: 0 or 3 (if you do not PvP, you should not worry about this)

5.0.0 : Notes
Some things to consider...

5.1.0 : Jump Canceling
Knights and Paladins have some skills that have a hindering delay time after you cast them. However, in PvP, such delays can cause losses. The solution? Jump Canceling. It is quite simple to do, but very tedious. After using a move, press the Jump button (Default: C) and instantly stop the attack (animation effects will still continue, but will deal no damage). Reckless Jump Canceling can cause all your moves to be on cooldown quickly, so some practice is required to get a good handle on it. Noteworthy skills to try this out on: Spear Jab, Parry, Armour Break/Over Head Strike, and Weapon Suspension. There are other skills that can be Jump Canceled, but the delay time saved is hardly noticeable.


5.2.0 : Max Defense
Throughout this whole guide, you've seen me put down the defense % buff skills. This is not to say they are worthless; rather, they are worthless on their own. For full defense, all the maxed out passives and Defensive Aura buff together can rack up a nice 90% defense bonus (100% if you use Knight's Power). Also, adding 610 defense points from Lv.5 Increased Defence, and Lv.5 Iron Skin (this value can increase since Increased Defence can be carded to Lv.10). This would cost 336 skill points to achieve and a minimum character level of 68.

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